
摘要今天我们来聊聊unseenjapan,以下6个关于unseenjapan的观点希望能帮助到您找到想要的大学知识。本文目录sample_unseenjapan日本过年的习俗 英文版(最好有翻译)英语的演...



  • sample_unseenjapan
  • 日本过年的习俗 英文版(最好有翻译)
  • 英语的演讲稿
  • 大家帮忙找个电影的名字。
  • 英语~端午节的小诗(诗歌~要翻译)~习俗(要翻译)~由来(要翻译)快...
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  • sample_unseenjapan

    什么意思,要翻译吗??可是句子不完整 样本--不可见的日本 哈哈,奇怪

    日本过年的习俗 英文版(最好有翻译)





    Japan:Chinese New Year that day originally before the largest festival, each household-use loose cypress decorate house, the whole family rounded to catch fire a heat of bringing in the new year New Year's Eve evening.The during the midnight monastery rings out 108 bells and make New Year's visit each other on the second day.

    At Japan, New Year's Day have a kind of merchandise which calls "blessing bag".The so-called blessing bag is the opaque bag which packs a merchandise.The blessing bag contains a lot of kind, cosmetics, clothing, life miscellaneous articles or objects, electric appliances, in fine can pack into the all go of the bag inside.The price doesn't wait from 1000 yens to around ten thousand yens.Because very popular, blessing bag usually the year ago start prepare to sell.

    Similarly merchandise, why be the blessing bag thus popular?Originally, the blessing bag is very over-valued, a thousand dollar inside of the blessing bags, usually the marked price 1000 dollars or so merchandise have 34;Sometimes 1 the inside of the blessing bag of 20,000 yens, the digital camera which has already been worth 3410000 yens also perhaps.By so doing buy the felling that the blessing bag hits the jackpot to person's a kind of New Year's Day again.Certainly, the thus over-valued blessing bag is just minority, but at the thought of may hit the jackpot, and at least would also the thing have a value and the consumer nature will vie with each other in rushing to buy.

    To company's house, this kind of sale method compares with common promotion and the effect isn't greatly same.The general promotion is a consumer to come to shopping goods and buy several piece to want the consumer said that calculate, but packing is unseen in the thing in the blessing bag and company's house can freely match.To consumer, the blessing bag is really of good quality but inexpensive, it is said that Japanese female and few someone can resist the come-on of blessing bag and besides blessing bag this name also is to have much of an attraction.Be stronger than a year, who don't think that taking a luck go home!


    关于英语的演讲稿5篇   演讲稿可以提高演讲人的自信心,有助发言人更好地展现自己。在学习、工作生活中,演讲稿使用的情况越来越多,那么,怎么去写演讲稿呢?以下是我为大家收集的关于英语的演讲稿,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 关于英语的演讲稿1    一、注重教学过程管理,强调先进教学方法和理念的实施。   如何充分发挥小学英语在实现教育目标中的功能,从而体现小学英语在整个课程中的地位和作用,是小学英语教学必须重视的问题。英语学习的启蒙阶段是非常重要的,教学的成功与否将对学生的终身学习产生深远影响。小学开设英语课程的目的在于培养学生学习英语的积极情感,形成初步的英语语感,打好语音、语调的基础,具备用所学英语进行交流的初级能力。通过英语课程的学习,丰富社会生活经历、开拓视野、树立学习的自信心。为此在实际教学中我们要求广大教师积极实践和探索,在教学目标、课程实施、教学方法、教学评价等方面做到层层推进。在实践过程中应该明确以下几点:   1.在教学总体目标上,重兴趣、重成就感、重自信心的培养。教师通过多种激励的方式,如奖品激励、任务激励、荣誉激励、信任激励和情感激励等,激发学生积极参与、大胆实践、体验成功的喜悦。有了成就感,就有了自信心,学生就会渴望学习英语;在课程实施上,重环境、重频率、重效率。教学中特别强调语言环境的创设,充分利用和开发电视、录音、录像、光碟等多种媒体,丰富教学内容、活跃教学气氛、创设生动和真实的语言环境。尽量在课堂上创造真实的情境,克服课时少的困难,并且按排早读课及时复习,保证学生高频率的接触英语,为学生创造有效的学习条件,提高学习效率;在语言教学目标上,重语感、重语音语调基础、重交流能力。学校和教师积极创造条件,提供良好的语言环境和设备,通过提供大量的感知、体验、模仿等实践活动,帮助学生形成初步的语感。语音语调的学习包括发音、重音、语调、节奏和语流等多方面,教学中要求教师防止以单音准确为目的的教学,通过多听、多模仿,在有意义的语境中进行训练,奠定语音语调的基础。强调要培养学生交流能力就要创设交流的.情景,使学生通过交流发展交流的能力。   2.在教学模式和方法上,重体验、重实践、重参与、重创造。要求教学设计贴近生活,符合小学生兴趣的需求;教学内容能引起学生的兴趣,例如韵律诗歌、寓言故事、会话表演、游戏等;教学的语言材料要真实、实用。学生在课上通过用中学、学中用,反复实践,学用结合。功能、结构、话题、任务做到有机结合;以话题为核心,以功能和结构为主线,以任务型活动为目标安排各单元或各课的教学;通过视、听、说、玩、唱、画、游、读、写、译等饶有趣味的活动,让学生接触足够量的语言材料,保证输入量,“习得”与“学得”结合,使学生逐步培养起初步的语感;通过大量语言材料的输入,特别是声像材料的示范,学生模仿,教师指导,使学生逐步形成良好的语音、语调、书写、拼读的习惯。设计任务型活动,开放空间,激活学生的思维,培养创造思维。自始至终引导学生通过完成具体任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去进行特定的语言活动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。教学方法要多样,且生动活泼,激发学生的学习兴趣。充分利用教科书中的课文创设栩栩如生的情景,为学生提供使用英语进行交流的机会。实践中,我们发现每当孩子们进入角色,成功地做成一件事,他们便情不自禁,喜形于色,因此兴趣倍增、信心加强,动机和情意受到了很大的激励。同时要求布置的练习形式要多种多样,做到手、脑、口、耳、眼、肢、体并用,静态、动态相结合,基本操练与自由练习相结合,单项和综合练习相结合。通过大量的实践,使学生具有良好的语音、语调、书写和拼读的基础,并能用英语表情达意,开展简单的交流活动。    二、创设良好的语言学习环境,扩展英语教学的时空。   ⒈灵活安排教学组织和课堂,以学生为主体,充分调动学生的积极性,开展两人小组、多人小组、成行、成排、半班等多种形式的活动。这是小学英语教学的重要特点之一。只有开展这些活动才能使每一个学生充分地参与课堂实践,才能体现出语言的交际性,才能实现师生之间和学生之间的互动性。课堂上课桌椅的摆放形式根据教学的需要采用不同的方式——秧田式、半圆式、全圆式、双圆式等,目的是为了更好地开展各种教学活动。这样做可以促进师生之间的情感交流,而且可以帮助学生培养起互相关心,合作的团队精神。   ⒉采用多种媒体的现代化教学手段,创设良好的语言环境和充分的语言实践机会,优化。利用英语教学音像资源——图画、图表、投影、录音、录像、cd、vcd、dvd等,不仅能为学生提供规范的语音、语调,还可以提供真实自然的语言使用的示范,即语言使用的场合、时间、对象等,而且还有体态语——手势、动作、表情等的示范。多种媒体的运用使教学变得生动、形象、活泼,感染力强,容易激发学生兴趣,引起有意注意,加深印象,帮助学生持久记忆。充分利用现代化教学手段,可以超越时间和空间的限制,使学生置身于以英语为母语的环境中,体验英语的实际运用。的使用可以使教学过程程序化,大大提高教学的效率,这一点对我们课时少的小学英语课尤为重要。   ⒊把英语学习从有限的课内时空扩展到无限的课外时空,成立小小英语角、学校布置英语走廊、让学生制作英语画刊等各种形式的活动极大地提高了学生学英语的热情,让学生感受到英语无处不在、无时不学。    三、努力总结和发现问题,及时调整。   在实际教学过程中,教师应积极实践,不断探索,针对实际工作中出现的问题和学生身心特点,总结规律,认真思考,不断摸索。尤其是在中教师应具备良好的应变机制。①学习过程要有趣味性、有意义,要有利于激发学生主动参与的欲望。②善于利用学生的生活体验,通过让学生交流,使他们对所学语言产生亲切感,从而激发学习动机。及时、正确地给予评价激发学生的成就感,从而产生学习的新动力。常常采用师生问答形式,学生感到枯燥、厌烦。教师让学生与长毛绒动物握手交流,学生兴趣倍增。    四、认真进行质量监控、积极推进评价改革   采用人本与发展的模式来理解教育和人类发展的关系,是当前教育理念的核心,即尊重个体和个体差异,实施因材施教,实现全人教育,为个体的终身学习打下基础。因此,在教学中必须实施新的评价理念,提倡形成性评价和终结性评价有机结合。做到评价主体互动化,评价内容多元化,评价过程动态化。评价的基本目标是为了教育并促进学生的表现,要求教师尊重和爱护每个学生的学习积极性,对学生的成绩和点滴进步适时地加以肯定。采用口头表扬和精神奖励的方式,如奖给小红花、红星、纸制奖牌、课文中的人物卡通图片等。特别要注意对学习后进的学生所取得的进步及时给予表扬。要求评价形式具有多样性和可选择性,以形成性评价为主,以学生平时参与各种英语教学活动所表现的兴趣、态度和交流能力为主要依据。采用学生平时教学活动中常见的方式进行,重视学生的态度、参与的积极性、努力的程度、交流的能力以及合作的精神等。通过观察学生的活动(讲故事、说歌谣、唱歌曲、表演对话或短剧等),与学生交流,学生的自评、互评等生动活泼的方式进行。很多学校建立了学生的评价档案。如学生的语音、书写记录,学生参与小组活动的情况记载,学生课余时间的学习拓展情况等统统作为学期总成绩评定的指标参考。由于注重对学生平时学习情况及时地进行评价,有效地提高了学生学英语的积极性。除形成性评价外,小学三年级期末或学年考试以口试和听力考查为主,五、六年级采用口试、听力、笔试相结合的方式。口试主要考查学生实际的语言应用能力;笔试主要考查学生听和读的技能以及初步的写作能力。评价采用等级制或达标方法记成绩,不对学生按成绩排队或以此作为各种评比或选拔的依据。教学评价是为学习服务的,目的在于提高学生学习的效率,成为学生学习的动力和源泉,为学生的终身发展服务。   有效教学在小学英语教学中的实施是为了提高教师的工作效益、强化过程评价和目标管理。为此我始终从教学的准备、教学的实施、教学的评价三方面入手,自始至终地关注学生的进步和发展、关注教学效益,关注教学中的可测性。同时教师还应具备一种反思的意识,不断地调整自己的教学行为掌握相关的教学策略,以便于自己面对具体的情景做出相应的决策,获取最大的教学效益。 关于英语的演讲稿2   the poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. i said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.   love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul likepropped up the sky. love is a force, is a wealth. we should be in the hearts of young sow the seeds of love. let us be thankful for, the institute of thanksgiving. thanksgiving with a heart to face life, in the face of learning, in the face of setbacks, thereby experience parents, teachers, classmates and friends of selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of tu, when yongquan of" the real meaning.   thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the chinese nation, build a socialist harmonious society needs. guangdong lawyer tian, in order to return the mother's kindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney to restore the mother's life; xu yu return to the community of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke intothe thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the children ...   appreciate your birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the people, because they give you strength; grateful for your education, because they kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens your legs; grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything grateful, institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up!   students, and a song called "thank you": i thank the moon lit up the night sky, thanks to the dawn zhaoxia endorse for the spring snow melt for the land feeding the people, to thank his mother for giving me life ... thank harvest for peace for all of this all all.   thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! let us brought up their hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist harmonious society! 关于英语的演讲稿3   亲爱的先生/女士,   我问是你学校的教学方法和你是好学生在这方面知名。   我一直在北京任教的中学三年英语。我永远不会厌倦了我的工作或我的学生。我喜欢在有趣的经验教训作出了很多更有趣,使枯燥和教训少一些。所以我一直对如何改善我的教学激烈,通过阅读努南,哈珀和威多森和参加外国教师讲课。   我明白,良好的英语老师就是一个很好的演讲者和作家。这就是为什么我做了很多工作,以提高我的耳朵和舌头和手所有的时间。我从来没有一天不通过后,英国广播公司说。我说在大多数情况下日常英语。到了晚上,当我喜欢我的退休和隐私,我的座位在自己的电脑前,开始写我的日记。我从来没有用完的东西或条件,但无可否认,有时短的时间。这非常有趣使用电脑写作,这必将冲击肖和莎士比亚。   我会阅读有关英语教学,或英语教学重要的书籍,正与所有重要的思想和人的朋友。当然,我会写一些论文,被公布与否。这将是我的荣幸能在老师的研究项目1宗。我知道这是可能的。    你的诚然,    简奥斯汀 关于英语的演讲稿4   Today,I'm very glad to stand here to share my dream with you.   Everyone has dream. Some people wan to be rich,dreaming of millionaires overnight,other want to be famous,dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.Different people have different dream. Of course,I've no exception. I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me .   I never thought of my dream when I was a kid. Later,my dream always changed. At that time I don't know what dream is. I haven't studied English at all when I was in primary school. So you can imagine how awful my English is. I think it is impossible for me to study English well. Because I never read English words and English articles. I don't like English ,either. And I can't read the English well. But one day something changed , I have already changed my mind . I fall in love with English. I never give up ,although I'm not good at it. Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day. I know we needed to build confidence in the process of learning English. We must know "Confidence can be gained with daily progress."   I want to stand on the top of the world. Now I can't requirement and it's not easy for me, but I'll study hard in the next two years. There is an old saying "where is a will,there is a way." I think my dream can come ture. I believe "Nothing is impossible" from beginning to end. It's very important to success.   At last ,I want to say to everybody"Hole on your dreams firmly, no matter how big or small they are. The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed. But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happiness than making your dream come ture" 关于英语的演讲稿5   Ladies and Gentlemen:   My name is Tiffany, a Year 2 student from the University of Macau. I am currently an active member of the university Public Speaking Team, president of the Honours College Student Association, and also the vice president of the event department in Marketing Society. I am very active and outgoing. I enjoy being with people, engaged in conversations with them so that I can understand them more. I like public speaking as it can help increase my self-esteem and self-confidence. Aside from public speaking, I am also good at English recitation. I have joined the Macao-wide English Individual Recitation for a number of times when I was studying in the secondary school.   Imagine a car without a steering wheel. Tough to imagine, right? Well, actually that’s the image you see if a person has no faith. Faith helps to guide us in our lives, encourage us to persist, and give directions when we are lost.   In this peaceful era, our life paths seem to be already well-planned and determined. What we have to do is to follow. Yes, we may face different sorts of challenges, but at least they are less harsh when compared to those in the past. We do not need to worry about starving to death, or how to earn enough money to buy food for our siblings and sustain our lives.   It is like driving from a muddy road into a highway. In the muddy road, path, you would say, as it is formed only by crossing on it many times, flattening the ground to form a smoother area so we can pass. The road is so bumpy and rough, with holes here and there and rocks lying all over. When we drive along this road, we have to be very careful, having a firm grip on the steering wheel, ready for a sudden turn or a large boulder that may appear any second. However, when we drive on a highway, everything becomes different. The road is smooth, straight, and visible. Since there is no unseen obstacle, we may lower our guard, relax a bit, and loosen our grip on the steering wheel. One may even think, if we only have to drive on a smooth straight road like this highway, why would we need a steering wheel?   Nevertheless, one cannot foresee the future. Accidents do happen. For example, a car may suddenly appear in front of you. At such times, if you did not have the steering wheel, how could you make a sudden turn? Just as no one could foresee the Sichuan Earthquake nor the Japan Tsunami. If the one being trapped under the debris did not have faith, he/she would not have survived until being rescued. If we did not have faith, we could not recover from our sadness and rebuild our home.   Faith is unique, just as happiness is. We feel happy for different reasons, we believe for different things. How can we know what we believe in? Recall the last time you are discouraged, and you felt you had lost all hopes in your life. What pulled you back into the world? What pushed you to stand up and continue to strive again? That is your faith, your belief. Faith is what makes you feel you can when others say you can’t.   Faith is important…, faith is vital…, faith is necessary for us to live our lives. If we do not have faith, we are like a car without a steeling wheel. We can only afford to move along a straight and smooth path, and cannot meet any challenge in our lives. One must understand that no matter how smooth the road is, it is impossible for a car to go without a steering wheel. Or, put it in another way, have you ever seen a car without a steering wheel on the road? So, act now, my friends, find out what you believe in, find out your anchor in your life, hold on to your steeling wheel of your car, drive on, and reach your destination.   Thank you very much. ;


    呵呵~~~~~是不是天使艾米丽啊? 中文片名

    天使爱美丽 天使艾美丽


    Amelie from Montmartre







    全美首映票房:$136,470.00 (单位:美元)

    全美累计票房:$32,680,816.00 (单位:美元)

    海外累计票房:$120,300,000.00 (单位:美元)


    Victoires Production - Tapioca Films - France 3 Cinéma



    让-皮埃尔·热内 Jean-Pierre Jeunet


    Guillaume Laurant .....story &

    让-皮埃尔·热内 Jean-Pierre Jeunet .....scenario

    Guillaume Laurant .....(screenplay)


    奥黛丽·塔图 Audrey Tautou .....Amélie Poulain

    马修·卡索维茨 Mathieu Kassovitz .....Nino Quincampoix

    Rufus .....Raphaël Poulain

    Lorella Cravotta .....Amandine Poulain

    Serge Merlin .....Raymond Dufayel

    加梅勒·杜布兹 Jamel Debbouze .....Lucien

    Clotilde Mollet .....Gina

    Claire Maurier .....Suzanne

    Isabelle Nanty .....Georgette

    多米尼克·皮诺 Dominique Pinon .....Joseph

    Artus de Penguern .....Hipolito

    友兰达·梦露 Yolande Moreau .....Madeleine Wallace

    Urbain Cancelier .....Collignon

    Maurice Bénichou .....Dominique Bretodeau

    米切尔·罗宾 Michel Robin .....Mr. Collignon

    Andrée Damant .....Mrs. Collignon

    Claude Perron .....Eva

    Armelle .....Philomène

    Ticky Holgado .....Man in photo (who describes Amelie to Nino)

    Kevin Fernandes .....Bretodeau as a Child

    Flora Guiet .....Amélie (6 Years Old)

    Amaury Babault .....Nino (As a Child)

    安德烈·杜索里埃 André Dussollier .....Narrator/Récitant (voice)

    Eugène Berthier .....Eugène Koler

    Marion Pressburger .....Credits Helper

    Charles-Roger Bour .....The Urinal Man

    Luc Palun .....Amandine's Grocer

    Fabienne Chaudat .....Woman in Coma

    Dominique Bettenfeld .....The Screaming Neighbor

    Jacques Viala .....The Customer Who Humiliates His Friend

    Fabien Béhar .....The Humiliated Customer

    Jonathan Joss .....The Humiliated Customer's Son

    Jean-Pierre Becker .....The Bum

    Jean Darie .....The Blind Man

    Thierry Gibault .....The Endive Client

    François Bercovici .....His Buddy

    Franck Monier .....Dominique Bredoteau Kid

    Guillaume Viry .....The Vagrant

    Valérie Zarrouk .....Dominique Bredoteau Woman

    Marie-Laure Descoureaux .....The Dead Man's Concierge

    Sophie Tellier .....Aunt Josette

    Gérald Weingand .....The Teacher

    François Viaur .....The Bar Owner

    Paule Daré .....His Employee

    Marc Amyot .....The Stranger

    Myriam Labbé .....The Tobacco Buyer

    Jean Rupert .....Nasal operation man

    Frankie Pain .....The Newsstand Woman (as Franckie Pain)

    Julianna Kovacs .....Grocer's Client

    Philippe Paimblanc .....Train Ticket Taker

    Mady Malroux .....One of the Twins

    Monette Malroux .....One of the Twins

    Robert Gendreu .....Cafe Patron

    Valériane de Villeneuve .....The Laughing Woman

    Isis Peyrade .....Samantha

    Raymonde Heudeline .....Phantom Train Customer

    Christiane Bopp .....Woman by the Merry-Go-Round

    Thierry Arfeuillères .....Statue Man

    Jerry Lucas .....The Sacré-Coeur Boy

    Patrick Paroux .....The Street Prompter

    François Aubineau .....The Concierge's Postman

    Philippe Beautier .....Poulain's Postman

    Karine Asure .....Pretty Girl at Appointment

    Régis Iacono .....Félix L'Herbier

    Franck-Olivier Bonnet .....Palace Video (voice)

    Alain Floret .....The Concierge's Husband (voice)

    Jean-Pol Brissart .....The Postman (voice)

    Frédéric Mitterrand .....Himself (voice)

    Dean Baykan .....(uncredited)

    Clément Chebli .....(uncredited)

    Rudy Galindo .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)

    Sam 'Peg Leg' Jackson .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)

    Valérie Labro .....(uncredited)

    Jean-Michel Larqué .....Himself (voice) (archive footage) (uncredited)

    Manoush .....Nymphomaniac woman (uncredited)

    Thierry Roland .....Himself (voice) (archive footage) (uncredited)

    Sister Rosetta Tharpe .....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)

    Jacques Thébault .....Voice-Over (voice) (uncredited)


    Helmut Breuer .....co-producer

    Jean-Marc Deschamps .....producer

    Arne Meerkamp van Embden .....producer: Germany

    Claudie Ossard .....executive producer

    Claudie Ossard .....producer



    Technovision Cameras, Zeiss Ultra Prime Lenses


    Laboratoires éclair, Paris, France


    35 mm (Kodak Vision 320T 5277 and Vision 250D 5246)


    Digital Intermediate (master format)

    Super 35 (source format)


    35 mm (anamorphic)


    3455 m (Spain)




    Victoires Productions [法国]

    Tapioca Films [法国]

    France 3 Cinéma [法国]

    MMC Independent GmbH [德国]


    UGC-Fox Distribution (UFD) [法国] ..... (2001) (France) (theatrical)

    TF1 Vidéo [法国] ..... (2002) (France) (DVD)

    Albatros Film [日本] ..... (2001) (Japan) (theatrical)

    BIM Distribuzione [意大利] ..... (2001) (Italy) (theatrical)

    博伟国际 Buena Vista International [阿根廷] ..... (2002) (Argentina) (theatrical)

    Dendy Films [澳大利亚] ..... (Australia)

    Filmcoopi Zürich [瑞士] ..... (2001) (Switzerland) (theatrical)

    Filmladen [奥地利] ..... (2001) (Austria) (theatrical)

    Gativideo [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) (DVD)

    Imagem Filmes [巴西] ..... (2002) (Brazil) (DVD)

    Lumière [巴西] ..... (2002) (Brazil) (theatrical)

    米拉麦克斯影业公司 Miramax Films [美国] ..... (2001) (USA) (all media) (subtitled)

    Miramax Zoë [美国] ..... (2001) (USA) (theatrical) (subtitled)

    Momentum Pictures [英国] ..... (2001) (UK) (all media)

    Paradiso Home Entertainment [荷兰] ..... (Netherlands)

    Prokino Filmverleih [德国] ..... (2001) (Germany) (theatrical)

    TVA International [加拿大] ..... (2001) (Canada) (theatrical)

    Triangelfilm [瑞典] ..... (2001) (Sweden) (theatrical)

    Universal Pictures Germany [德国] ..... (2006) (Germany) (DVD)

    Vértigo Films S.L. [西班牙] ..... (2001) (Spain) (theatrical)


    Duboi [法国]


    Onkel Tuca FilmDecor [德国] ..... set construction: Cologne

    Virgin France [法国] ..... soundtrack










    2001年4月25日 ..... (French speaking region)


    Czech Republic

    2001年7月6日 ..... (Karlovy Vary Film Festival)



    2001年7月26日 ..... (German speaking region)



    2001年8月12日 ..... (Edinburgh Film Festival)









    2001年9月7日 ..... (Québec)



    2001年9月10日 ..... (Toronto Film Festival)



    2001年9月13日 ..... (Film by the Sea Film Festival)


    Czech Republic



    法国女孩爱美丽·布兰从来就没有享受过家庭的温暖,她的童年是在孤单与寂寞中度过的。父亲是一名医生,他几乎不拥抱爱美丽,除了给她做医疗检查之外,这样难得的接触让爱美丽心跳加速,于是父亲认定她有心脏病,不适合去学校,只能在家中学习。孤独的她只能任由想象力无拘无束地驰骋来打发日子,自己去发掘生活的趣味,比如到河边扔漂石块,把草莓套在十个指头上慢慢地嘬等等。唯一的朋友是一条金鱼,而连它都郁闷到想要自杀——不停跳出鱼缸 。母亲受不了她的尖声惊叫,决定把鱼放归到河中。一次爱美丽被邻居捉弄,她在他看足球赛时报复他——用个收音机听着,每到进球的关键时刻拔掉天线,如此反复。八岁时,母亲被跳楼的游客砸死,神经质的父亲更加自闭,沉醉在自己的世界里。


    1997年夏天的一个事件改变了艾米莉的人生。那天新闻播报戴安娜王妃在一场车祸中身亡,而爱美丽手中的瓶盖掉到地上,撞上一块墙砖。爱美丽从里面掏出一只铁盒,装满了小男孩所钟爱的小玩物和许多照片。爱美丽于是决定要是能找到盒子的主人——半个世纪前这个公寓的房客,她就开始帮助所有的人。爱美丽开始寻找曾经的小男孩,她拜访并见识了各种各样的邻居,几乎走访了巴黎城中所有的“白度图”,最终在玻璃人老头的帮助下将盒子还回了主人。从此她开始了惩恶助善的天使生涯 。路上的盲人,二十年不出门的玻璃人老头,遭到丈夫背叛的女房东,悭吝凶恶的果蔬摊主,善良木讷的伙计, 咖啡店古怪的客人和卖烟女,还有自己的父亲。



    ·She'll change your life.

    ·Shiawase ni naru[Japan]











    1990年,他们合作编导的《黑店狂想曲》(Delicatessen)赢得了巨大的成功,奇谲诡异的想象力和黑色幽默、童话般的情节以及新颖独特的视觉效果获得了叫好声一片。影片得奖无数,并成为了文化潮流和时尚话题。他们也因此成为法国影坛最亮眼的新星。虽然被寄予很高期待的《失婴城》(The City of Lost Children)让评论界大失所望,但观众仍然给以极大的热情。

    这两部电影的成功引起了好莱坞的注意,于是这对金牌搭档分头出击,儒内接受好莱坞的邀请,拍摄了《异形4》(Alien 4)。尽管影片是由儒内单独执导,但卡罗仍然以指导的身份参与了制作。可是这部作品并没有取得预期的效果,实在只算是一部十分平庸的科幻片。在好莱坞的电影工业机制中,儒内的才华难以得到充分发挥和体现。



    女主演奥德丽·多杜是法国电影界的一颗新星。1999年她出演的《维纳斯美容院》(Venus Beaute Institut)是法国当年极受好评的一部轻喜剧,获得了当年恺撒奖最佳影片。而多杜在其中扮演年轻的美容师玛丽,和一位六十岁的前任飞行员堕入了爱河,她的表演赢来了恺撒最有前途新人奖。而后2000年,她又与樊尚·佩雷、芳妮·阿尔丹(Fanny Ardant)两位大明星共同主演了喜剧片《浪荡儿》(Le Libertin),进一步得到关注。

    影片男主演马修·卡索维茨来头也不小。他当导演的名气恐怕比当演员更大。他执导的《怒火青春》(La Haine)摘取了戛纳电影节最佳导演奖,而去年法国的本土卖座大片《赤色追辑令》(Les Rivières pourpres)也是他的手笔。作为演员,我们则可以在《善意的谎言》(Jakob the Liar)、《第五元素》等影片中看到他的身影。


    ·爱美丽的角色原定是给爱米莉·沃森。她很想扮演这个角色但还是拒绝了,因为她不会说法语,而且已经答应了出演高斯福特庄园Gosford Park (2001)。



    ·照相亭的相片来自一本真实的相片集子,由导演让-皮埃尔·热内的一个朋友提供。他的名字出现在片尾字幕上,即马歇尔·弗尔科(Michel Folco)。




    ·爱美丽在电影院时有两部电影。当她回头看后面的脸时,我们可以看到《朱尔和吉姆》Jules et Jim(1962)中的两个场景。当她对电影中那些开车的同时不看路的人发表评论的时候,放映的是一部更老的电影,是《父亲的微薄红利》Father's Little Dividend(1951)。

    ·影片的主色调(绿、蓝、红),是从巴西画家Juarez Machado的油画中得到的灵感。






    [first lines] (第一段台词)

    Narrator: On September 3rd 1973, at 6:28pm and 32 seconds, a bluebottle fly capable of 14,670 wing beats a minute landed on Rue St Vincent, Montmartre. At the same moment, on a restaurant terrace nearby, the wind magically made two glasses dance unseen on a tablecloth. Meanwhile, in a 5th-floor flat, 28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9, returning from his best friend's funeral, Eugène Colère erased his name from his address book. At the same moment, a sperm with one X chromosome, belonging to Raphaël Poulain, made a dash for an egg in his wife Amandine. Nine months later, Amélie Poulain was born.

    画外音:在1973年9月3日下午6点28分32秒,一只青蝇以每分钟能够扇动14,670次的频率降落到蒙马特的Rue St-Vincent。与此同时,在一家餐馆楼梯的旁边,风神奇般的让两个杯子在一块桌布上跳舞。就在这时,28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9的一栋五层公寓内,刚从最好的朋友的葬礼回来,尤吉尼·柯里热从自己的地址簿上把他的名字擦去。还是在这个时候,属于拉斐尔·波兰的一个精子,带着一个X染色体,一头扎进了她的妻子阿曼迪妮的一个卵子。九个月之后,爱美丽·波兰出世了。

    [last lines] (最后的台词)

    Narrator: September 28th, 1997. It is exactly 11am. At the funfair, near the ghost train, the marshmallow twister is twisting. Meanwhile, on a bench in Villette Square, Félix Lerbier learns there are more links in his brain than atoms in the universe. Meanwhile, at the Sacré Coeur, the nuns are practising their backhand. The temperature is 24°C, humidity 70%, atmospheric pressure 990 millibars.


    Amélie: [whispering in theater] I like to look for things no one else catches. I hate the way drivers never look at the road in old movies.


    Hipolito, The Writer: Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's.


    Narrator: Amélie still seeks solitude. She amuses herself with silly questions about the world below, such as "How many people are having an orgasm right now?"


    Amélie: Fifteen.


    Narrator: Amelie has one friend, Blubber. Alas the home environment has made Blubber suicidal.

    [Pet fish leaps out of fish bowl in an attempt at suicide]



    Amélie Poulain: At least you'll never be a vegetable - even artichokes have hearts.


    Amélie: [to her father, who is not paying attention] I had two heart attacks, an abortion, did crack... while I was pregnant. Other than that, I'm fine.


    [Amélie hands a begger some money] (爱美丽给一个乞丐一些钱)

    Beggar: Sorry madam, I don't work on Sundays.






    ·事实错误:当尼诺还是个小孩在学校的时候,黑板上显示的是“vendredi 7 April 1980”。1980年4月7日是星期一,而不是星期五。







    《 以下是这部电影原声碟的曲目列表

    1. J 'y Suis Jamais Alle

    2. Les Jours Tristes (instrumental)

    3. La Valse D 'Amelie

    4. Comtine D 'un Autre Ete: L 'apres Midi

    5. La Noyee

    6. L 'autre Valse D 'Amelie

    7. Guilty

    8. A Quai

    9. Le Moulin

    10. Pas Si Simple

    11. La Valse D 'Amelie (orchestra version)

    12. La Valse Des Vieux Os

    13. La Dispute

    14. Si Tu N 'etais Pas La

    15. Soir De Fete

    16. La Redecouverte

    17. Sur Le Fil

    18. Le Banquet

    19. La Valse D 'Amelie (piano version)

    20. LaValse Des Monstres



    山鬼The Mountain Spirit

    屈原Qu Yuan

    若有人兮山之阿 There seem to be a man in the deep mountain,

    被薜荔兮带女箩 Clad in creeping vine and girded with ivy,

    既含睇兮又宜笑 With a charming look and a becoming smile.

    子慕予兮善窈窕 "Do you admire me for my lovely form?"

    乘赤豹兮从文狸 She rides a red leopard - striped lynxes follwing behind -

    辛夷车兮结桂旗 Her chariot of magnolia arrayed with banners of cassia,

    被石兰兮带杜衡 Her cloak made of orchids and her girdle of azalea,

    折芳馨兮遗所思 Calling sweet flowers for those dear in her heart.

    余处幽篁兮终不见天 "I live in a bamboo grove, the sky unseen;

    路险难兮独后来 The road hither is steep and dangerous; I arrive alone and late.

    表独立兮山之上 Alone I stand on the mountain top

    云容容兮而在下 While the clouds gather beneath me.

    杳冥冥兮羌昼晦 "All gloomy and dark is the day;

    东风飘兮神灵雨 The east wind drifts and god sends down rain.

    留灵修兮憺忘归 Waiting for the divine one, I forget to go home.

    岁既晏兮孰华予 The year is late. Who will now bedeck me?

    采三秀兮于山间 "I pluck the larkspur on the mountain side,

    石磊磊兮葛蔓蔓 The rocks are craggy; and the vines tangled.

    怨公子兮怅忘归 Complaining of the young lord, sadly I forget to go home.

    君思我兮不得闲 You, my lord, are thinking of me; but you have no time,"

    山中人兮芳杜若 The man in the mountain, fragrant with sweet herb,

    饮石泉兮荫松柏 Drinks from the rocky spring, shaded by pines and firs.

    君思我兮然疑作 "You, my lord, are thinking of me, but then you hesitate."

    雷填填兮雨冥冥 The thunder rumbles and the rain darkens;

    猿啾啾兮狖夜鸣 The gibbons mourn, howling all the night;

    风飒飒兮木萧萧 The wind whistles and the trees are bare.

    思公子兮徒离忧 "I am thing of the young lord; I sorrow in vain."



    Our people to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, an annual Lunar New Year Dragon Boat Festival in May every fifth day, the custom spread to the DPRK, Japan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries.

    Qu Yuan, lived in two thousand three hundred years ago in the Warring States era, a young man to cherish lofty aspirations, demonstrated a remarkable talent was grandson of the trust, the official "left only", according to Sima Qian's "Shi Ji" recorded in his "affairs of state and Wang proposed plans," outside "then the event guests to meet the princes," is in charge of internal affairs, foreign affairs minister.

    This is the Warring States Period of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, Qin Qixiong hegemony of chaos, Qin Shang Yang after the appointment of increasingly powerful, often launch attacks against the six countries. Chu and Qi were only able to compete with them. In view of the situation at that time, Qu Yuan advocated improved internal and external advocates Qi Gang Qin, and thus against the interests of the upper ruling class, who was the grandson of bribery under the favorite concubine Qin Zheng Xiu, Shangguan doctor, Yoshitada sub pepper exclusion and framed.

    Listen to calumny huai confused, alienated Qu Yuan, he was exiled to the north of Han, the result was the grandson of a prisoner for three years when Qin cheated, died in a foreign country.

    Qu Yuan, see all of this, extreme anger. He firmly opposed to the state of Qin humiliating surrender, which was the persecution of political opponents are more serious. The new reign of King Xiang is more stupid than his father, banished Qu Yuan to the Chinese and the North than the more remote areas.

    In the long life of exile, Qu Yuan did not. He insisted that his political views, and never follow the crowd. Picked up a pen writing a love for their motherland, to denounce "N group" harm the country for future generations to leave the immortal poems.

    Qu Yuan, a Chinese literary history of the greatest and most distinguished Romantic poet, called him after the work is "Songs of the South." Masterpiece is the "Lament", which is the longest of Qu Yuan a lyric poem, a total of three hundred seventy-three, two thousand seven hundred and seventy seven words of the poem describes the poet to practice their own political views are being attack and persecution, must express their inner pain, faithful to the people and the feelings of the motherland.

    Qu Yuan in the long journey of exile, the spirit and life suffered devastation and suffering is imagined. One day he is Singing River, encountered a fishing hermit, hermit to see him looking haggard haggard, advised him "Do not rigidly stick to", "easy-going number", and the bigwigs were in cahoots. Yuan said: "I would rather go to Xiang River flows buried in the belly of the fish; security can Haohao of white, and almost dust mask secular?" Year seven to eight tests, was the capital of Chu Chi broken, the spirit of the poet has been a great blow, seeing the difficulty of breaking the country, but can not use his power, he was so frightened that in extreme disappointment and pain, the poet came to the east of the Yangtze River Miluo, bouldering and drowned. He died about sixty years old, it is the Lunar May tenth.

    Two thousand years of age, which in the course of history can not be considered just a moment, but despite the drain, dusk to dawn-to, the image of the poet Qu Yuan, but still remain in people's heart. Today, Dragon Boat Festival every day, people are still in the river in the dragon boat racing, the dumplings, multicolored silk tie to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan, see the works of the poet and the spirit is eternal it!










    端午节的风俗:悬钟馗像:钟馗捉鬼,是端午节习俗, 在江淮地区, 家家悬钟馗像, 用以镇宅驱邪。

    唐明皇开元, 自骊山讲武回宫,疟疾大发, 梦见二曳, 一大一小, 小鬼穿大红无裆裤, 赤脚, 偷杨贵妃之香囊和明皇的玉笛。 绕殿而跑。 大鬼则穿蓝袍戴帽,赤双足。捉住小鬼, 挖悼其眼睛, 一只吞下,明皇喝问, 大鬼奏日, 臣姓钟馗, 即武举不第, 愿为陛下除妖魔, 皇醒后, 疟疾愈, 于是令画工吴道子。 照梦中所见画成钟馗捉鬼之图像, 通令天下于端午时,一律张贴,以驱邪魔。

    挂艾叶菖蒲:以艾叶悬于堂中,剪艾力虎形或剪彩为小虎,贴以艾叶,妇人争相戴之,以僻邪驱瘴。用菖蒲作剑,插于门榻, 有驱魔法鬼之神效。 在端阳节,家家都以菖蒲、 艾叶、 榴花、 蒜头、龙船花,制成人形称为艾人。 食菖蒲可以成仙,可以长生, 汉武帝欲求长主之术,曾吃菖蒲两年。

    赛龙舟:当时楚人因舍不得贤臣屈原死去, 于是有许多人划船赶迫拯救, 是为尤舟竞渡之起源, 后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之。 借划龙舟驱散江中之鱼, 以免鱼吃掉屈原的尸体。竞渡之习, 盛行于吴,越、楚。

    台湾开始有尤舟竞渡是始于清乾隆二十九年, 由当时台湾知府蒋元君在台南市法华寺半月池主持友谊赛。 现在台湾每年五月五日均举行尤舟竞赛, 香港有竞渡之举,近英国人亦仿效我国人作法, 组织鬼佬队,进行竞赛活动。

    据近代著名的爱国学者闻一多先生的《端午考》说:“端午节本是吴越民族举行图腾祭妃的节日, 而赛龙舟便是祭仪中半宗教。半娱乐性节目。”

    四五千年前, 居住在原始图腾社会的水乡部落的人民,受到蛇虫、 疾病的侵害和水患威胁,为了抵御这些天灾, 他们尊奉想象中的具有威力的龙作为自己的祖先兼保护神(即图腾), 并把船建造成龙形、 画上龙纹, 每年端午举行竞渡。以表示对龙的尊敬,也说明自己是龙的子孙,龙的传人。

    吃粽子:荆楚之人在五月五日煮糯米饭或蒸粽糕投入江中, 以祭祀屈原,为恐鱼吃掉,故用竹筒盛装糯米饭掷下,以后渐用粽叶包米代替竹筒。

    饮雄黄酒:雄黄本属矿物, 含有三硫化砷成分,与酒混合。即成雄黄酒,用以驱虫解五毒,小儿涂于头额。耳鼻,手足心。 并洒墙壁问, 以法诸毒。流传民间之《白蛇传》故事,即是以雄黄酒解蛇虺诸毒,而现白蛇原形。此种习佰,在长江流域地区的人家很盛行。

    游百病:为盛行于贵州地区的端午习俗。 男女老幼往野外游玩, 穿新衣, 在中午一时左右, 路上山上或树下挤满人群,手抱花草, 非常快乐。晚上回家将花草和水煮开洗澡,老年人称为“游百病”及“洗百病”,不出去游百病及洗百病的人,一年到头就不会获得吉利。

    佩香囊:端午节小孩佩香囊,不但有避邪驱瘟之意,而且有襟头点缀之风。香囊内藏有朱砂。 雄黄。香药, 外包以丝布,清香四溢, 再以五色丝线弦扣成索,作各种不同形状,结成一串,形形色色,玲珑夺目。


    The Dragon Boat Festival occurs on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar(阴历). It is one of the three most important of the annual Chinese festivals. The other two are the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.

    The story of this colorful festival concerns a famous Chinese scholar-statesman(政治家) named Chu Yuan(屈原) who, some three centuries before the birth of Christ, served the King of Chu(楚怀王)during the Warring States period. As a loyal minister(大臣), Chu Yuan at first enjoyed the full confidence and respect of his sovereign(君主). Eventually, through the intrigues of his rivals, he was discredited(不足信的, 不名誉的).

    Chu Yuan was never able to regain(恢复) the emperor's favor and on the fifth day of the fifth moon in the year 295 B.C.(Before Christ), at the age of 37, Chu Yuan clasped a stone to his chest and plunged into the Milo River(汨罗江) in the Hunan Province(湖南省).

    Respecting the minister as an upright(正直的) and honest man, the people who lived in the area jumped into their boats and rushed out in a vain search for him. This unsuccessful rescue attempt is a part of what the Dragon Boat Festival commemorates every year.

    Probably the most exciting and interesting aspect of the festival is the racing of the Dragon Boats. These races not only symbolize the people's attempt to save Chu Yuan, they also demonstrate the Chinese virtues(美德) of cooperation and teamwork.

    Another activity of the Festival is the making and eating of a kind of dumpling called Tzungtzu (粽子). When it became known that Chu Yuan was gone forever, the people, living along the river, threw cooked rice into the water as a sacrifice(祭品) to their dead hero. They wrapped(包) rice in bamboo leaves(粽叶), and stuffed(填满) it with ham, beans, bean paste(豆沙), salted egg yokes, sausages, nuts, and/or vegetables.

    To the Chinese the fifth lunar moon is more than just the Dragon Boat Festival. Since antiquity(古代), they have believed that this month is a pestilential and danger-fraught(瘟疫的及充满危险的) period. Children born in this month are said to be difficult to raise(抚养), and people tend to concentrate their efforts during this time attempting to protect their families from ills and misfortune. The day of the Dragon Boat Festival is customarily the time when cleaning and sanitation(卫生) are stressed(着重, 强调). Most families hang calamus(菖蒲) and artemisia(艾草) above their doors, both as a decoration and as a preventive against pestilence.

    Ancient folk medicines(民间药物) such as realgar(雄黄酒)are added to the food eaten on the Festival day. This is believed to prevent disease and to promote a healthy digestive system(消化器官). The drinking of realgar in wine supposedly relieves(解除) the effects of poisons accumulated in human bodies.

    The sachets (Hsiang Pao in Chinese香包) are very popular with children and they vie(竞争) with each other to collect as many as possible. Children are not the only ones who collect Hsiang Pao. Older people are often given them as a symbol of respect, and they are highly prized because of the intricate(复杂的) and beautiful embroidery(刺绣) that adorns(装饰) them.

    The Dragon Boat Festival is an entertaining and enjoyable event. It gives the observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich Chinese cultural heritage.



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