
摘要今天我们来聊聊教师节的英文,以下6个关于教师节的英文的观点希望能帮助到您找到想要的大学知识。本文目录教师节的英文怎么写?教师节用英语怎么说教师节的英文单词教师节英文是什么教师节英语怎么写 教师节的英语...



  • 教师节的英文怎么写?
  • 教师节用英语怎么说
  • 教师节的英文单词
  • 教师节英文是什么
  • 教师节英语怎么写 教师节的英语是什么
  • 教师节英语怎么说?
  • 教师节的英文怎么写?

    教师节快乐的英文:Happy Teacher's Day Happy 读法 英 ['hæpɪ] 美 ['hæpɪ] adj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的 短语: 1、happy person 幸福的人 2、happy marriage 美满的婚姻 3、happy holiday 快乐的节日;愉快的假期 4、happy valentine's day 情人节快乐 5、more than happy 非常高兴;很乐意 扩展资料一、happy的词义辨析: favourable, lucky, happy, fortunate这组词都有“有利的,好运的,顺利的”的意思,其区别是: 1、favourable 普通用词,指预示从良好的结果中能得到明显好处,有利于达到目的。 2、lucky 多指偶然机遇中的有利或幸运情况。 3、happy 侧重指不是通过某种机会,而是凭借鉴另和选择手段而得到利益与好处。有时也指偶然得到的好处,但强调的是有利的结果。 二、happy的近义词:lucky lucky 读法 英 ['lʌkɪ] 美 ['lʌki] adj. 幸运的;侥幸的 短语: 1、lucky draw 幸运抽奖 2、lucky star 福星 3、lucky dog [俚]幸运儿 4、lucky number 幸运数字;幸运数


    教师节用英语翻译为Teachers' Day。

    Teachers' Day


    例句:We welcome our teachers with flowers at the school gate on Teachers' Day.



    不同国家、地区订定“教师节”的时间有所不同。如在台湾地区,从1952年起台湾当局就确定9月28日为孔子诞辰日及教师节 。



      教师节的英文单词    Teacher's day 直译:教师的节日    Teachers' day 直译:教师们的节日   一个意思,两种写法,不过较为正式的用法是 Teacher's Day.   如果用复数 teachers,s后不能再加 's,即不能写成 ---s's,故为 Teacheas' Day.   另外各国用法不同,没有对错,比如   澳大利亚:Teacheas' Day   美国 National Teacher Day   智利 Teacher's Day   例句与用法   Fac opening ceremony and teachers' day celebration   外交学院举行开学典礼暨庆祝教师节大会   Lish : oh , do you know the history of teachers' day   丽斯:哦,那你知道关于教师节的来历吗?   September 10 is teachers' day in china . happy teachers' day   9月10日是中国的教师节.教师节快乐   The teachers are celebrating teachers' day with the students now   教师们正和同学们庆祝教师节。   Confucius' birthday is also teacher' s day   孔子诞辰也是教师节。   It' s september the 10th , 2005 . it' s our teachers' day   今天是2005年九月十日,是我们的教师节。   Teacher s day special report   教师节专题报导点灯特殊教育教师篇   We celebrate teachers' day on the first sunday of october   我们的教师节是在10月份的第一个星期日。   B : it' s september the 10th , 2005 . it' s our teachers' day   今天是二? ?五年九月十日,是我们的教师节。   We celebrate teachers' day every year in honour of teachers   为了向老师表达敬意,我们每年庆祝教师节。   In thailand , teacher' s day on january 16th is a school holiday   在泰国, 1月16日的教师节是一个学休日。   Ai this time of the teacher' s day , we sincerely wish you happiness   教师节来临之际,我们衷心地祝福您。   The first teacher' s day was observed in the early 1980s in china   中国第一个教师节出现在八十年代早期。   She will give her teacher some flowers and a card on teachers' day   教师节那天她将送老师一些花和贺卡。   Students are paying respects to their teachers on teacher' s day   (教师节当天学生将向他们的老师致敬。 )   Does teachers' day fall on september 9th ? no . on september 10th   教师节是在九月九日吗? ?不。在九月十日。   This is teachers' day and a time to be grateful to all teachers   时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。   Frank : today is teachers' day   弗兰克:今天是教师节!   This holiday is teachers' day   这个节日就是教师节。   Sep . 10th wednesday fine teachers' day comes on september 10th every year   9月10日星期三晴九月十日是教师节。   Over 100 countries celebrate world teacher' s day on october 5   有超过100多个国家在10月5日这天庆祝世界教师节。   Eng : hi , do you know tomorrow is teachers' day ? i am so excited   英格:嗨,明天就是教师节了,你知道吗?我特别兴奋!   Tom : tomorrow is teachers' day and i' m going to buy something for mr wu   汤姆:明天是教师节,我要为吴老师买一些东西。   Tom : tomorrow is teachers' day and i' m going to buy something for mr wu   汤姆:明天是教师节,我要买点东西送给吴老师。   Dear teacher , you are the ladder of my success . happy teachers' day   敬爱的老师,您是指引我成功的阶梯。祝您教师节快乐!   A celebration of the new term and teachers day is held on the playground   学年开学典礼暨庆祝教师节大会正在学校操场举行。   Since then , countries have celebrated this day in many interesting way   从此以后,这些国家以不同有趣的方式来庆祝这个教师节。   Happy teachers ’ day   教师节快乐!   You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage . happy teachers day   您教导我们追求成功并有勇气接受失败.祝教师节快乐   Our beloved teacher , you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts   教师节祝福语1 :亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。   In other countries , people have celebrated with plays , concerts and sports events   而其他的国家,人们以短剧、开音乐会、或举行运动比赛等来庆祝教师节。   The members of the welfare association laid their heads together and decided to have a picnic on teacher' s day   福利委员会委员们商量结果决定教师节那一天要举办郊游。   Good teachers are valuable to any society . how will you celebrate this world teacher . s day   在任何的社会里优秀杰出的老师值得受人敬重。那你将怎样来庆祝这个世界教师节?   The members of the welfare association laid their heads together and decided to have a picnic on teacher' s day   福利委员会委员们一起商量结果决定教师节那一天要举办郊游。   Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day . have a happy teacher' s day   在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。教师节快乐!   September 28 is confucius birthday , also known as the teacher day . let us show our gratitude and respect to our teachers   九月二十八日是孔子诞辰日和教师节,我们在此向所有的老师表示最深的敬意!


    1、教师节英文:Teachers Day。

    2、每年的9月10号是教师节:Teachers Day, 节日的第一个字母一般大写,并且名词用复数形式,eg: Childrens day, Womens day。

    3、用英语跟辛苦教育自己的老师说句节日快乐: Happy Teachers Day!

    教师节英语怎么写 教师节的英语是什么

    1、教师节用英语:Teachers Day。英[deɪ]美[deɪ]。 2、在教师节这天,我们手捧鲜花,站在学校门口欢迎我们的老师。We welcome our teachers with flowers at the school gate on Teachers Day。 3、中国第一个教师节出现在八十年代早期。The first Teachers Day was observed in the early1980s in China。 4、在教师节,你会去拜访你的小学老师吗?On teachers day, do you visit your primary teacher?


    Teachers' Day


    We celebrate Teachers' Day every year in honour of teachers.




    英 [deɪ] ;美 [deɪ]


    n. 白天;一天;时代


    用作名词 (n.)

    The attack occurred six days ago.



    day, festival, holiday, leave, vacation这五个词都有“假日”的意思。其区别在于:







